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Rebate Bus + RateAcuity
Rebate Bus partners with RateAcuity for greater service and accuracy.
Another solution saving customers time and money with accuracy and efficiency in the hottest industry in North America.
In July of this year, Rebate Bus entered into its Strategic Promotion Partnership with Rate Acuity, an electric and natural gas tariff tracking firm headquartered in Summerville, WI. With over 40 years of industry experience, RateAcuity is to tariff monitoring and tracking what Rebate Bus is to incentive tracking. Their comprehensive data service allows customers to ensure that they know the current state of electric and natural gas tariffs across the United States and Canada, and across their portfolio in real time. Their service also alerts their subscribers to pending changes in their energy rates allowing them greater insight into and control over their utility spend.
Rebate Bus and RateAcuity recognized that our services have a mutually beneficial overlap and that many of our clients who are seeking to maximize their utility incentives would benefit from better management of their energy spend. Likewise customers who are actively optimizing their energy spend would benefit from maximizing the incentives for their energy efficiency investments.
Additionally, the two companies are exploring additional cross-marketing and cross-promotional opportunities, as well as exploring opportunities to co-host booths at a number of key industry conferences.
Signing up with RateAcuity is free for 14 days and you can do that here: